The Risks of Reminiscing

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Everyone enjoys taking the trip down memory lane. While it’s usually a rocky one, the Internet gods have again, generously provided us with shortcuts: #TBT and #FBF (which, by the way, is just a lame excuse for those who forgot to post the day before), the trusty Timehop app, and there’s always the good ol’ manual approach of digging up Facebook photos. There’s a whole treasure trove of memories online; there are some that perhaps we’ve misplaced, can’t seem to place, or just desperately want to replace.

When Multiply first announced its closing, everyone freaked out like the world was going to end. To be fair, it really was the end of world, one of handy dandy “digicams” and over-“uploading” of photos. There are just too many mems (pardon the term) that we refuse to let go of. But this brings us to a more important question: Should we just let go…

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